The Motivation
mo·jo /ˈmōjō/ - Magic Power
about - The motivation
Every Mama possesses an innate magic power that resides deep within, this power we refer to as MOJO. Many Mamas loose their connection with this power on the ever changing journey through motherhood. Our sense of self and our confidence steadily erodes as we become absorbed by nurturing the new lives we have created. Whatever dreams, desires and goals we were once so passionate about fade until we can no longer remember who we were.
In comparison to previous generations, the pressures and expectations mothers face today are practically unattainable. We’re expected to be super moms, amazing wives, educated, accomplished, have careers or be Mamapreneurs. On top of that, we want to be fit, sexy, beautiful and happy! No wonder many of us feel overwhelmed and lost.
So, how can we support each other, learn from one another, lift each other up so that we all excel on whatever path we choose. How do we figure out the life puzzle, how do we find a balance between work, family and self?
We’re always looking for Mamas who want to be part of the movement. Please contact us if you are a content creator, have a skill or business that could benefit other moms, or if if you have a success-story share. We’d love to collaborate with you! Let’s empower Mamas together!